What's new in Elasticsearch 2.02.2 (and 2.3?)

David Pilato / @dadoonet

About Me

  • Developer | Evangelist at elastic
  • Joined: Jan 2013
  • Elasticsearch user since February 2011 - 0.14

About Elastic

Elasticsearch 2.0

Very large release

>2,500 Pull Requests

469 commiters

Focus on growing up

Focus on growing up

  • Simplification
  • Security
  • Resiliency
  • Features
  • Plugins


sometimes includes removing stuff


What’s NOT in Elasticsearch 2.0

What’s NOT in Core

(Moved to a plugin)

  • Delete by query
  • Types:
    • murmur3
    • size
  • Multicast discovery

Simplification: Mapping changes


Simplification: Mapping changes

  • Conflicting field mappings
  • Fields cannot be referenced by short name
  • Type name prefix removed
  • Field names cannot contain dots
  • Type names cannot start with a dot
  • Type may no longer be deleted
  • index_analyzer is removed
  • _analyzer field is removed
  • date format changes
  • ... and more ...

Conflicting field mapping

PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "type_one": {
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string" }                         ❶
    "type_two": {
      "properties": {
        "name": { "type": "string", "analyzer": "english" }  ❷

Ambiguous field lookup before 2.0

PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "name": {                             ❶
      "properties": {
        "title": { "type": "string" },    ❷
        "name": {                         ❸
          "properties": {
            "title": { "type": "string" } ❹

What does title refer to?

What about name.title?

What about name.name.title?

Field lookup in 2.0

PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "name": {                             ❶
      "properties": {
        "title": { "type": "string" },    ❷
        "name": {                         ❸
          "properties": {
            "title": { "type": "string" } ❹

"title" always refers to ❷

"name.title" always refers to ❹

"name.name.title" is invalid

Field analyzer

PUT my_index
  "mappings": {
    "my_type": {
      "properties": {
        "title": { "type": "string", "analyzer": "my_analyzer }

Field analyzer

Before 2.0:

  • analyzer - sets index and search analyzers
  • search_analyzer - sets search analyzer
  • index_analyzer - sets index analyzer

Starting with 2.0:

  • analyzer - sets index and search analyzers
  • search_analyzer - overrides search analyzer

Other Mapping Changes

Check The Great Mapping Refactoring blog post


Simplification: Query and Filter Execution Changes

Before 2.0

  • Typically contribute to scoring
  • No caching
  • Don't contribute to scoring
  • Can be cached

Starting with 2.0

  • Filters and queries are merged into queries
  • The behavior of a query clause depends on whether it is used in query context or in filter context

Before 2.0

  "filtered" : {
    "query": { query definition },
    "filter": { filter definition }

Starting with 2.0

  "bool" : {
    "must": { query definition },
    "filter": { filter definition }

Two-phase execution

Approximation phase
quickly iterates over a superset of the matching documents
Verification phase
check if a document in this superset actually matches the query

Two-phase execution - how is this useful?

  "bool" : {
    "must": [{
      "match_phrase": {
        "body": "quick fox"  ❶
      }, {
      "match_phrase": {
        "body": "brown dog"  ❷

Instead of loading posting list for all documents that contain quick and fox or brown and dog, we only load postings for the documents that contain all 4 terms.

Query Caching

  • Fully automatic
  • Keeps track of 256 most recently used queries
  • Only caches those that appear 5 times or more
  • Does not cache segments which have less than 10000 documents or 3% of the documents of the index
  • More efficient query cache (roaring bitmaps)
  • Non-scoring components are cache-able



Networking changes

Elasticsearch now binds to local interfaces

Unicast discovery is now default

Makes elasticsearch more secure by default

Running under security manager by default

  • Prevents outside access outside of elasticsearch even if elasticsearch process is compromised
  • All resources that elasticsearch can access are defined on node startup
  • Some libs/plugins are unsecured!


Index operations are now durable by default

  • Before 2.0 transaction log was fsynced every 5 sec
  • Transaction log is now fsync after each operation
  • Configurable
  • On SSDs have indexing is about 7% - 10% slower with bulk indexing compared to async translog flushes

Multiple data path striping

  • Before all shards were stripped across all paths
  • This striping is no longer supported. Instead, different shards may be allocated to different paths, but all of the files in a single shard will be written to the same path.

Multiple data path striping

Before 2.0

After 2.0

Cluster State Diffs

  • Before entire cluster state was shipped on every change to every node
  • Starting with 2.0 only changes are sent

Units are required in all settings

curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/test/_settings" -d '{
    "index" : {
        "refresh_interval" : "5"

What have I just done here?

Doc values by default

  • Dramatic memory-reduction by default
  • Any field that is indexed but not analyzed now has doc values.
  • Only for indices created with 2.0

Some cool recent reliability changes that you might have missed

  • Sync-flush with sync_id (1.6)
  • Async shard allocation (1.6) was blocking cluster state
  • Better handling of node leave/rejoin (1.7) wait for one minute



Pipeline aggs

  • Derivatives
  • Moving average
  • Holt Winters (prediction / anomaly detection)
  • Stats: Min/Max/avg
  • Time-series math

Moving average - 10

Moving average

Moving average - 100

Moving average

Holt Winters - seasonal fluctuations

Holt Winters

Index compression

  • 10-30% reduction in index size
  • Some indexing/merging impact
  • Dynamic setting - could be set before optimization for time-based indices


$ mvn clean install
[INFO] Plugin: Analysis: ICU .............................. SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Analysis: Japanese (kuromoji) .............. SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Analysis: Phonetic ......................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Analysis: Smart Chinese (smartcn) .......... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Analysis: Polish (stempel) ................. SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Delete By Query ............................ SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Discovery: Azure ........................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Discovery: EC2 ............................. SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Discovery: Google Compute Engine ........... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Discovery: Multicast ....................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Language: Expression ....................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Language: Groovy ........................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Language: JavaScript ....................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Language: Python ........................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Mapper: Murmur3 ............................ SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Mapper: Size ............................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Repository: Azure .......................... SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Repository: S3 ............................. SUCCESS
[INFO] Plugin: Store: SMB ................................. SUCCESS

Before 2.0

$ bin/plugin install elasticsearch/cloud-aws/2.7.2
$ bin/plugin install cloud-aws --url http://p.to/cloud-aws-2.7.2.zip
$ bin/plugin install cloud-aws --url file:p/to/cloud-aws-2.7.2.zip

Starting with 2.0

$ bin/plugin install cloud-aws
$ bin/plugin install http://p.to/cloud-aws-2.7.2.zip
$ bin/plugin install file:p/to/cloud-aws-2.7.2.zip

Elasticsearch 2.1

Geo-centroid aggregation

New pipeline aggregations: stats_bucket, extended_stats_bucket and percentiles_bucket

Allocation and recovery enhancements

Page size max defaults to 10 000

Update only if _source changed

Deprecate count API: size=0

Deprecate scan API: sort by _doc

Elasticsearch 2.2

Query profiler

curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_search' -d '{
  "profile": true,
  "query" : {
    "match" : { "message" : "search test" }

Improved geo-point fields

Stricter security for plugins and scripting

Coming in elasticsearch 2.3

Task Management API

Reindex API


Migration Process


2.0 is a major release

  • No rolling upgrades
  • One way - no way to downgrade back to 1.x
  • Make sure you have a backup
  • Test it! Don't try to "wing it" in production.

Migration plugin


Getting help

elastic{ON} '16