
Index Twitter on found

Some months ago, I published a recipe on how to index Twitter with Logstash and Elasticsearch. I have the same need today as I want to monitor Twitter when we run the elastic FR meetup (join us by the way if you are in France!). Well, this recipe can be really simplified and actually I don’t want to waste my time anymore on building and managing elasticsearch and Kibana clusters anymore. Let’s use a Found by elastic cluster instead.
4 min read
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Indexing Twitter with Logstash and Elasticsearch

I’m often running some demos during conferences where we have a booth. As many others, I’m using Twitter feed as my datasource. I have been using Twitter river plugin for many years but, you know, rivers have been deprecated. Logstash 1.5.0 provides a safer and more flexible way to deal with tweets with its twitter input. Let’s do it! Let’s assume that you have already elasticsearch 1.5.2, Logstash 1.5.0 and Kibana 4.0.2 running on your laptop or on a cloud instance.
4 min read
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